Beyond the exploration of the rural artisans & craftsmen toiling in the villages, the documentarian captures the memories associated with the craft, the nexus between maker & user. The history of their traditional livelihood can be traced back to another era & the influences of the rulers from the British to the Moghuls have left indelible impressions on their art. Sanjay Das has spent endless months patiently interacting & photographing the lives & work of Bengal’s mask makers, weavers, conch shell craftsmen, idol makers – winning their trust & inhabiting their space to know more about their lives. Gallery Ragini is proud to showcase the series of the photographer’s work that sheds light on forgotten crafts & their intrepid makers who refuse to be cowed down by their financial hardship & continue to work producing incredibly beautiful textiles, pattachitra paintings, terracotta images & so much more. This exhibition is the indefatigable work of one man. It deserves to be seen.
– Ina Puri
An interactive session between
Sanjyay Das (Artist) | Ina Puri (mentor-curator)
Venue – Ambassador, New Delhi
Date – 14th April, 2022 to 5th July, 2022